Thursday, September 30, 2010

The War of the Worlds, LCT's Inaugural "Fridays Following" Event

This season, we are starting a new program at LCT. It's called "Fridays Following." On the Friday following the close of each production, we will be holding a special theatrical event at the theatre that is open to the public.

This new series was born of a on-going discussion that the staff and I have been having for a couple of years now. How do we increase the amount of artistic programming at the theatre without breaking the bank, the backs of the staff, and our spacial limitations? Well, we do it by offering smaller, one-time events that provide a different type of theatre going experience. Hopefully, as we move forward these events will become entirely volunteer produced. This will provide more opportunities for our volunteer actors, directors, and artists to actually create art while being able to maintain a normal life schedule.

We are still in the planning stages for these events, but our first one is this Friday. To introduce this new series, we are hosting a reader's theatre version of The War of the Worlds, the 1938 Mercury Theatre on the Air Broadcast that became controversial and, as a result, legendary. The timing seems right as we are coming up on Halloween when people will be looking for something a little spooky to keep warm on those chilly Autumn nights. The reading will recreate the original broadcast in its entirety, with the on-stage actors playing the characters and creating the sound effects.

We have been fortunate enough to gather a cast of wonderful actors to bring life to the reading. They are Mike Adank, Stacy Breummer, Ryan Knox, Jim Nelson, Dan Radtke, Ryan Soberg, Nicole Wilson, and Tom Wright.

The cost is small, only $5, and the show begins at 7:30 pm. Come out and enjoy this unique experience and be one of the first to experience this exciting new program in the life of LCT!

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